
Learn Together With Sentinel A Novel Google Tool For Creating Rich Vr Experiences Inward Class

Tour Creator is a novel tool released past times Google a few days agone which allows you lot to create your ain VR tours. Students tin purpose it to create rich 360 experiences using their ain 360 photos or images from Google Street View too Google Maps. The procedure to create immersive 360 tours is elementary too easy. Head over to Tour Creator too click on ‘Get Started’. Click on ’New tour’ too furnish a championship too description for your tour too upload a comprehend photograph too click on ‘Create’.

Students tin either purpose their ain 360 photos or uncovering ane on Google Street View. They tin also purpose Google Maps to add together scenes too highlight points of interest. Once finished they tin portion their tours via generated link or through an embed code to purpose to upload their tours to flat spider web log or website. Tours tin survive viewed on whatever mobile or desktop platform or through Google Cardboard viewer.

Watch the video below to come across how ‘one schoolhouse inwards Lancaster, PA is using Tour Creator to portion why they honey where they alive amongst novel friends across the world’.

Courtesy of The Whiteboard Blog

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