
Happy Raining Hearts: A Conversation Game

I dearest to emphasize friendships together with existence a proficient friend unopen to Valentine's Day inward lieu of talking tons most dearest alongside preschoolers. At our family nosotros speak a lot most ways to survive sort to our friends, how to communicate alongside our friends, together with what proficient friends do.

This calendar week nosotros lay together a unproblematic prop inspired yesteryear Felicia Bond's mass The Day It Rained Hearts I dearest to emphasize friendships together with existence a proficient friend unopen to Valentine Happy Raining Hearts: H5N1 Conversation Game and used it to play some unproblematic conversation games. 

The Day It Rained Hearts I dearest to emphasize friendships together with existence a proficient friend unopen to Valentine Happy Raining Hearts: H5N1 Conversation Game is a sugariness mass most a daughter who is walking along when it begins to pelting hearts. She catches them together with takes them domicile to brand valentines. Each of the hearts are different, simply similar her friends... thus she uses them to brand unique together with exceptional valentines for each of her friends. This mass is such a bully i to purpose to speak most friendship together with kindness together with noticing the exceptional qualities inward our friends together with doing overnice things for them. 


  • umbrella
  • tape
  • paper hearts
  • string
  • marker


Write questions or prompts on each take in (or depict motion-picture exhibit cues).

Tape a slice of string to the dorsum of each heart.

Tie each string to the edges of the umbrella (the pointy parts). Try together with induce got the hearts hang at unlike lengths.

Decorate the overstep of the umbrella alongside taped on hearts. Hold together with twirl... together with and then start to play!

How to Play:

 I dearest to emphasize friendships together with existence a proficient friend unopen to Valentine Happy Raining Hearts: H5N1 Conversation Game
There are a multifariousness of ways that this friendship take in umbrella could survive used to do conversational skills. I recommend playing this afterwards pedagogy kids how to appropriately concur the umbrella without swinging it or bonking others. 

As kids acquire to communicate alongside their friends they demand to acquire how to accept turns talking, listen, initiate a conversation, and maintain a conversation (which includes quest follow upwards questions together with commenting on details mentioned inward a conversation). Here are a few activities to do alongside the friendship umbrella:

The Question game...

Write a interrogation on each take in together with depict a corresponding motion-picture exhibit side yesteryear side to it. The kid asset the umbrella tin await at the hearts together with guide a interrogation to inquire their peer/peers. For example: Draw several balls together with write "What is your favorite sport?" Younger preschoolers together with kindergarteners tin purpose the pictures every bit prompts to know what to ask. Older kids tin read the questions.

Things to do during this game include listening to the kid who asks the interrogation together with listening to everyone's answers.

Emotion Charades...

Being able read people's emotions is an of import business office of existence a proficient friend. If y'all know your friend is sad, y'all tin hand him a hug or help him.

Write an emotion on each take in together with depict a corresponding picture. The kid asset the umbrella tin selection an emotion he/she wants to human activity out. He needs to purpose his torso together with facial expressions (not words) to bring the emotion. The other children exterior the umbrella volition demand to approximate what emotion he showing. For example: Write happy together with depict a happy confront on a heart.

The Name Game...

One of the kickoff things y'all demand to know when y'all come across someone is their name! Names are important. Remembering them makes people experience happy. On each take in y'all could lay a motion-picture exhibit of your child's friend or relative together with y'all could sit down nether the umbrella together together with speak most each individual together with picture. Your kid tin do pointing to each motion-picture exhibit together with maxim the friend or relative's name.

Two Umbrellas Turn-Taking...(for older kids)

Put kids inward pairs together with hand each kid an umbrella alongside unlike theme hearts attached to them. Have kids accept turns reading a theme on i of their hearts together with talking most their topic. They tin tell most it or inquire their partner questions most it. The partner gets to heed together with participate when asked.... together with then they switch. For example: Partner 1's theme is vacations. She could tell "I actually desire to acquire on opor-garai to Hawaii. I mean value it would survive fun to acquire snorkeling together with surfing. Where do y'all desire to acquire on vacation?" Then Partner two could reply together with and then it would survive her plow to selection a theme from her hearts together with start the conversation. 

What other friendship skills could y'all learn using this unproblematic friendship umbrella prop?

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